December 2011
Adding to the Church ...
We reported last month that our church had been given funds to put up new signs in our community. These signs would help advertise our presence in the area and also give direction to our location. Recently, several of these signs went up in the area. We are so thankful for the Lord providing the funds for this project from a family that has been attending the church. The signs have already made an impact and we are looking forward to the people that will hear of the church through this advertising.
We recently finished a series of messages at the church called “The Path Series”. These messages focused on the Biblical beliefs of our church. One of the messages was on the topic of “the local church”. As we taught on the church, we also emphasized the importance of church membership.
We have been praying for those who are believers to see the importance of being part of a local church. Last month, we had several individuals that desired to go through our membership class. This was a great time for us to hear testimonies and emphasize the doctrine of the church. This group of individuals will be the first members of our new church plant. God is adding to His church and we are thankful. On January 1st, we have a baptism service scheduled. This will also be a time of rejoicing and celebration for our people.
Merry Christmas ...
We would like to wish all of our family, friends, and churches back home a Merry Christmas. The birth of Christ truly is something worth celebrating. Our family appreciates your faithfulness in prayer and financial support. We are looking forward to telling the good news here in Ethiopia in the coming year.