The Christmas season is all about the good news of a Savior. Without Him, there would be no reason to celebrate. We want to quickly share some of the good news that has taken place because of Him!
First, in November our church spent several weeks teaching on “Stewardship”. This series reminded all of us the importance of giving and the motivation behind it. On December 9th, our church took up a special offering. We challenged our people to bring whatever God had put on their heart and that everything received that Sunday would go to the rent of our facility. At the end of the service, we saw over $2,000 given! It was an amazing Sunday to see what God can do with hearts giving out of grace.
Second, in December we finished the last of three “Shepherd’s Conferences” hosted by our church. This conference is used to train national pastors and church leaders on various topics. We covered evangelism, counseling, and children and youth ministries in the church. This year we had 12 Bible college students join the conferences giving us an attendance of 38 people in December. God has continued to bless this ministry of our church. We are thankful for the unity of the national pastors and missionaries as we challenge each other from God’s Word.
Third, we have been so excited to share the way the Gospel has been transforming hearts. This year we had two youth nights at our church focusing on building relationships with our teens as well as speaking truth into their lives. During one service, we had several teenagers raise their hands that they had received Christ as their Savior!
Just a few weeks ago, we had a woman named TeeTee ask to meet us at the church early. She has been attending the last few months. As we met, she told us she wanted to receive Jesus as her Savior. After talking with her for a while and walking through the Gospel, we were able to listen as TeeTee trusted Jesus to save her!
This last week, the final service of the year, we also watched God work. Two young men raised their hands that they had received salvation. It reminded me once again that the Holy Spirit is faithful to work when His Word is preached. Please pray for those that have professed faith in Christ and that we will be faithful to disciple these new believers.
Thank you for another year...
Our family is thankful that we have the opportunity to live in Ethiopia to spread the Gospel. Please know that your faithfulness in giving and praying is a blessing. God has supplied for us everything that is necessary through your generosity. Driving through our city, Addis Ababa, I see people that have nothing. Many looking for their next meal or place to sleep. So many who need basic medical care. As I write, I’m reminded of the undeserved blessings that our family has been the recipient of. Acts of random kindness, prayers for many situations we have faced, and new friends God has brought our way at just the right time. We thank the Lord for another year to serve Him.
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