Friday, June 15, 2012

June 2012

One year later
One year later. It’s exciting to think about. A year from the beginning. Only 365 days since Bethel Bible Baptist Church opened its doors for the first time. What can happen in a year? A year can go by so quickly that we often wonder where the time went. Upon reflection, we often find ourselves trying to recall details of what was accomplished. However, the last year is nothing close to a vague reflection. It is a collection of vivid memories as we watched God do what only He could do. The last year was not ordinary but extraordinary.
Feven’s story is one of those extraordinary stories. Feven is around 10 years old and lives a few houses away from the church. After receiving a flyer advertising the church, she came. Not only did Feven come to church, she came alone. Getting herself ready every Sunday, she would come early and wait for services to start. Over the last year, we can only think of a few times Feven hasn’t been there. She is one of the most faithful 10 year old girls we have ever seen. Our family would often find ourselves talking about her, praying that God would do a work in her heart. Several weeks ago, Amanda had been teaching the children on the life of Christ. Making it a point to share the Gospel, she invited any of those wanting to know more about Christ to talk to her after class. Feven waited till after class and approached Amanda. As Feven talked with Amanda, she saw her personal need for a Savior. One year since Feven first came to Bethel, she accepted Christ.
Feven’s story is just one of many that describe the last year. Bethel has seen seven baptized and five families have joined the church. The ladies of the church have gone through two Bible studies. We have covered our core doctrinal beliefs as well as focused on the books of James and Colossians. Numerous activities and outreach events have brought many guests to our church. In the area around Ayat, where the church is located, four signs have gone up advertising the church and contact information.
What can God accomplish in a year? What can He do in such a short amount of time? One year later we have learned, anything He wants!
Children’s Schooling
We want to thank those individuals and churches that prayerfully gave to the financial need for Aaron and Kayla’s school tuition. The gifts have made an incredible difference for the next school year. It was humbling to see the response to this personal need for our children. Adding to the response was a new individual supporter who graciously committed to giving as well. Watching God work in this situation was nothing less than amazing! As always, all honor and praise belong to Him.
Upcoming 2013 Medical Trip

We are now beginning to organize a medical trip that will be coming to Ethiopia in May or June of 2013.  This trip could include anyone that has medical training or diagnostic skills, doctors, nurses, etc. The purpose of this trip is to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a country where medical facilities and doctors are extremely lacking. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in this opportunity.