Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 2014

Baptisms ...                
            The photos of our eight recent baptisms still thrill me. I’m amazed that over the last few months God has spoken into the lives of families and individuals with His grace. Hearts that seemed so hard and unresponsive have come alive. Ears that we weren’t sure were listening, heard the message.

           Each photo tells a story that is unique. Solomon, a Catholic man, was religious but lost. After hearing the Gospel for weeks, he realized that what he needed wasn’t more religion but a relationship with Jesus. Hennock, Solomon’s son, told me he knew nothing about the Bible. The same Sunday his father received Christ, Hennock also accepted Christ. Tigist and Ariam both made decisions for Christ through our vacation bible school and youth ministry.
          The stories are different but all have one thing in common. A relationship with Jesus that has changed them! We know you are rejoicing with us at the work God has done through His Word!!!
Car Project Update...
The funds for our second vehicle continue to come in and we thank the Lord for those that have contributed. We currently have $15,500 of our $25,000 goal. We trust that the Lord will complete this project in His time. Please let us know if you have any questions on this project.
Pray for the Dyson’s...
The Dyson family will be heading back to the USA in just a few weeks for their furlough. We are praying that God allows them a time of rest and enjoyment as they tell all that God has done in Ethiopia. Please pray for their safety on the road over the next few months.